Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Fashion Emergency..!!

Ever been caught in public with a bra strap that won't stay up, mascara that won't stay on your lashes, or a major run in your pantyhose? Well, there's no need to run and hide in the nearest bathroom. A few simple tricks will either ameliorate or keep these fashion emergencies at bay and let you go on your way with confidence.

 1. For pantyhose or stockings that decide to make a "run for it" add a dab of clear nail polish at the tip of the run and that'll do the trick to stop it in its tracks. If you don't have nail polish handy, a quick spray of hairspray works just as well. If the run is just too obvious then ditch the things and go bare. Always remember to shave and moisturize just in case!

 2. The zipper on your best sweater or jacket get stuck? No fear, just rub a bar of soap on the zipper and problem solved.

 3. For skirt and pant hems that come loose, double sided tape works wonders to keep things in place, as do band-aids when you are in a pinch.

 4. Lint balls or piling on your favorite sweater is no reason to toss it out. Rather than attempt to pick them all off, try using duct tape or masking tape wrapped around your hand. Gently swiping your hand across the fabric will lift off the lint and leave your sweater looking like new.

 5. Always keep baby or cosmetic wipes handy in your purse to wipe away excess blush or mascara raccoon eyes. It'll give you a mid-day refresher and save you from looking like you've been heavy sweating in your make-up.

 6. For loose buttons, try dabbing that ever useful clear nail polish over the top and it will keep the thread in place and your button as well. To fully avoid loose button fall-out, try reinforcing your buttons before an important event. That way you know your buttons will stay put and you'll be avoiding what could turn into a major fashion emergency.

 7. Hair getting frizzy right before your hot date and your frizz serum is safely at home? Try running some hand lotion through your hair. It'll soften your hands, condition your hair and flatten the frizz instantly.

 8. If you get caught with painfully dry hands and/or cuticles in public, rub some Chapstick over the dry/rough spots. Works like a charm to make your hands & cuticles look smooth and conditioned.

 9. Bra strap won't stay up? Double sided tape comes to the rescue once again. Just stick a tiny piece on your shoulder and lay your strap right over it. No one will be the wiser and your strap will be staying put.

 10. For sweater snags, rather than tug at the loose end, simply tuck it in and knot it on the inside. It's an easy way to keep your sweater and your ego from unravelling!

 With a few simple fashion and beauty emergency tips under your belt, you'll never have to worry about making a quick exit again!

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